Application Process

If you are going through a hardship because of an emergency situation and are seeking assistance, please review the requirements below, and submit an application if you meet the Foundation hardship criteria. Visit our FAQ page for additional information.

Foundation Giving Guidelines


This Foundation is designed to provide financial assistance for unexpected hardships to assist in the short term needs of drivers (Company and Independent Contractor) and employees who may need certain types of emergency assistance.


Drivers (Company and Independent Contractor) and employees who work for or in certain circumstances have recently retired from one of the Anderson family of companies may request emergency assistance.

Applicable Emergency Situations:

  • Natural disaster recovery not covered by insurance.
    • Natural disasters such as a flood, tornado, hurricane, severe storm or earthquake that have damaged or destroyed the employee’s or independent contractor’s primary residence.
    • Catastrophic losses such as fire or other major home damage that impacts the employee’s or independent contractor’s ability to cover essential needs.
  • Emergency medical treatment not covered by insurance.
    • Medical treatment for the employee, spouse and/or eligible dependent(s) diagnosed with a serious/life-threatening illness or injury that results in a financial need including an inability to pay for the employee or independent contractor’s basic living expenses. Note: The Fund will consider assistance for related expenses not covered by insurance.
  • Unexpected funeral expenses which affect the ability to afford essential living expenses.
    • Funeral expenses related to the death of the employee or independent contractor, spouse or eligible family member. The cost of funeral expenses must significantly impact an employee’s or independent contractor’s ability to afford essential living expenses.
  • Other emergency situations may be considered on a case-by-case basis.


  • The Foundation is providing hardship assistance; not making the hardship go away.
  • The Foundation will disburse funds directly to verified vendors. No cash will be given directly to a person except in emergency situations.
  • Fully completed applications will be reviewed and a funding decision made within 48 hours via a majority vote of the Foundation’s governing committee.
  • Emergency transportation requests will not be handled through this particular fund. The requesting party’s employing Division or Business Unit will handle such needs on a case-by-case basis.
  • Per-occurrence hardship assistance is limited to a $5,000 maximum, depending on the hardship.
  • Annual (12 month rolling period) maximum funding per individual/family is limited to $10,000.

Apply for Assistance